MLR>> is a social research consultancy, based in West Kirby (Wirral), that works across the North of England and UK. In 2024 we celebrate our 10 year birthday as a sole trader!


MLR>> is all about applying social research to improve local communities. The 'local' and 'community' will vary, however the skills & understanding we bring to bear are consistently grounded in quality methods, applicable to different fields, and adaptable.


The links on this page provide more information on: our Associate networks;  how MLR>> works; our clients; plaudits/ testimonials.

Get in touch:

Michael Lloyd, Principal Researcher


>> Michael has over 20 years experience as a social researcher - working in a variety of academic, private sector and local authority research 'hubs'.

>> Find out more about Michael on LinkedIn here

MLR>> monitoring, evaluation, research & impact solutions span a range of sectors including:

- criminal justice & community safety;

- mental health & wellbeing;

- housing & inequalities

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