At MLR customer satisfaction and our passion for social research are at the heart of service design.
How does that work? >>
Customer satisfaction with service and quality of products are key measures of success - encouraging people to return with repeat business and spread the word about us.
We're driven by a passion for social research, social value and social responsibility - unlike many of our competitors, it's not all about profit.
The business model revolves around an experienced social researcher, Michael Lloyd, bringing together the right mix of skills and project resources to meet each customers' requirements. Michael has 20 years experience in private consultancy, local authority and academic research sectors. Customers get Michael's input throughout project delivery - from inception meetings through to final presentation of findings and impact. We realise it's important to maintain a consistent, single point of contact. That is at the core of our quality assurance process, as well as setting the standard for excellent customer relations.
So what happens on larger projects, when one person can't do everything on their own? Where a project requires a complex mix of skills or numerous activities to be delivered in parallel to be effective, Michael is able to bring in tried and trusted associate staff and resource. It's far more than simply sub-contracting people in - it's linking the customer through to our associate network, and as reputation relies on quality and customer satisfaction, we don't proceed with any collaborative delivery project unless we're completely satisfied that the mix of people is right and the customer is completely assured as to the team in place. And of course, any MLR>> collaborative team is managed by Michael, to maintain quality assurance and customer contact.
That's our view - most importantly, the 'testimonials' page on this site will tell you more about what customers think.